Permission for Pleasure

Sexuality With a Philosophical Lens

Cindy Scharkey Season 4 Episode 81
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00:00 | 44:05

My guest found that her college students had very little understanding of their own bodies and how to navigate sex in a healthy way. Professor Gwendolyn Dolske Ph.D. teaches Philosophy at Cal Poly Pomona. One of her classes, Current Debates in Sexuality, gives her a unique perspective on what young adults are asking about when it comes to sex and relationships. We discuss topics such as consent, current dating culture, and the high alert status women must negotiate to feel safe in the world.

Learn more about Prof Dolske and Good is in the Details

Learn more on these topics:
Why Sex Ed Really Matters
Girls and Sex/Boys and Sex, by Peggy Orenstein
The Growing Mental Health Crisis of Our Girls
Understanding Consent and Unlearning Body Shame

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